We are a private company registered in Hong Kong. with Mr. Stephen Leung as Chief Finance Officer and Mr. Angelo G. Santiago as Managing Director. It represents businesses in the global market as distributor of extensive range of consultancy and industry services. We facilitate agreements for private companies and government agencies by establishing two-way commercial and financial banking relationships. The company is into finance, pricing strategies, Digital Currency, Marketing & Forex Exchange. Our client specific requirements and cater to addressing them in the most efficient and effective manner. Over the years, the company has grown by providing high-quality and efficient services to some of the most companies in Asia. In the year 2020, EUROEXIM Consultancy LTD. formed a local branch in the Philippines named “EUROEXIM Business Management Consultancy Services, Inc.”. We believe that this illustrates our main competitive edge, and as such, we persistently improve and maintain these methodologies to remain in line with the consultancy and service industry.
Developing models and tools that serve to identify our client specific requirements.
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